Really enjoyed this session and the tutor explained everything well
What others have said about this programme
Experiencing challenging behaviour at work from a resident or service user can be a daunting experience by a carer and often a traumatic one for the service user and other service users around them.
We have developed a session which well educate and guide those that experience challenging behaviour. The session covers; behaviours that we find challenging and the possible contributing factors for the behaviour. The session then continues to look at the effects of behaviours, how to be proactive and reactive in preventing challenging behaviour and ways of ensuring safety for ourselves and others.
Who should complete this training session
Anyone working with a client, resident or service user who displays Challenging Behaviour.
How it is Delivered
Trainers use a power point presentation accompanied with video clips. There are group discussions, case studies and activities which are feedback to the trainer.
How this session is assessed
Trainers will use questioning both oral and written to test competence. Certificates of attendance are issued for each candidate.
2 hours approximately which includes a short comfort break.
How you can book?
By calling our team on 02891 828 921 with our request